women photographers

the Over 90s Club – by Ruth Maddison

Toronto. With all the current action here (our federal government) and in the states (#metoo movement), it seemed appropriate to look at women photographers.

Georege Dunbar sourced out this collection housed in the National Gallery of Australia. The picture he and I chose is one taken by Ruth Maddison in her “The Box Hill over 90s club: from Women over Sixty series” taken in 1991.

Closer to home, our president Clint (Lewko Hryhorijiw) has performed a double challenge bringing both women and youth into our rather dusty and ancient old executive (where else could you find so many people in their 70s and 80s still actively contributing to a great cause?).  Browse through the contents of the NGA and think about the other half of our population  (with a wife and two daughters, I confess to being biased).


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