Privacy policy
Member information is used solely for journal and email newsletter distribution. It is not released, sold or shared with any other organization for any purpose. The photograph below was taken with a Nikon DSLR at the home of John and Sonja in central Etobicoke (western Toronto). David Lawson took the photograph using Mr Lansdale’s camera. Bob Lansdale also photoshopped in John Kantymir and John Linsky (absent at the time).

From Left, Back: Bob Carter (webmaster, newsletter), Ashley Cook (2nd VP, Image Show, awards) , John Morden (treasurer, government liaison), David Bridge (archivist, newsletter), Lewko (Clint) Hryhorijiw (president, fair chairman, auctioneer), Mark Singer (past president, A/V, fair chairman), Louise Freyburger (secretary, Facebook), John Kantymir (1st VP, auctions).
From Left, Front: Bob Lansdale (PC editor, PC distribution, photographer), Felix Russo (OC3 rep), Wayne Gilbert (membership), Yvette Bessels (executive at large), Celio Barreto (programs, Instagram), John Linsky (financial controller), Sonja Pushchak (newsletter editor), and Paul the cat.

Executive 2025-2026
President Clint Hryhorijiw
Past Pres. Mark Singer
1st VP Les Jones (temporary)
2nd VP Robert Carter (Aug 4, 2021)
Secretary Louise Freyburger
Treasurer John Morden
Membership Lilianne Schneider
Programme Celio Barreto  (from January 2020)
Archivist (previously Librarian) David Bridge
Appointed Positions
Fair Chairmen
Clint Hryhorijiw
Mark Singer

Appointed Positions
PC Editor
  David Bridge & Louise Frayburger (From August 1, 2021)
PC Distribution  no longer needed as all publications via pdf
E-mail Newsletter Editor Patrick Gunn (from fall 2024)
E-mail Newsletter Distribution David Bridge
E-mail Newsletter List Maintenance Robert Carter
Executive at Large Wayne Gilbert (From January, 2024)
Face Book Louise Freyburger
Eventbrite Celio Barreto
Instagram Celio Barreto
Twitter Celio Barreto
Youtube Channel Celio Barreto
ZOOM Celio Barreto, Clint Hryhorijiw
Official Photographer (Open From July 13, 2021)
Webmaster Robert Carter (research Jeri Danyleyko)

Awards Ashley Cook (from summer 2017)
Auctions Clint Hryhorijiw (From August 1, 2021)
Auctioneer Clint Hryhorijiw
Audio/Visual Mark Singer
Social Media Mina Markovic, Cassie Spires
By-Laws OPEN
Exhibits OPEN
Financial Controller OPEN
OC3 Rep John Allman (temporary)

The Photographic Historical Society of Canada (PHSC) was formed  October 23, 1974 to advance the knowledge of and interest in the history of photography, particularly of photography in Canada. From its inception, the society has held monthly meetings in the Greater Toronto Area, published a journal, Photographic Canadiana, and hosted the Photographica-fair each spring (later expanded to a fall fair and a summer trunk sale).

First journal editor was Terry Wedge. The editorship moved to Jack Addison, Patrick Agnew, Bill Belier, Douglas Gilbertson, Ev Roseborough, Robert Lansdale, David Bridge & Louise Freyburger. The editorship was moved late in the fall of 2012  to David Bridge and Louise Freyburger upon the death of Mr Lansdale. Over the years the quality improved, the journal was registered, and the number of issues reduced from 1o/year to 4/year  with  an increase in pages, original articles, and photo quality.

To celebrate our 10th Anniversary. Then President, the late  William Belier and his executive co-ordinated PhotoHeritage 1984 a symposium open to the public, chaired by the late John Miles, and the late John (Jack) Addison.

Our 25th Anniversary was celebrated through special issues of volume 25 of the Photographic Canadiana. Included was an expanded index to Photographic Canadiana and an expanded Membership Directory. The other issues of volume 25 had additional inserts and expanded content. The Index listed historical data on the people and activities of the society’s first 25 years. The membership directory shows the society by-laws. Issue 25-2 records an interview with two of the founders, John Linsky, and the late Larry Boccioletti.

Our 35th Anniversary was celebrated by the digitization of the first 35 years of the journal, all copies of the E-mail Newsletter, and all News sheets issued to the end of of our 35th year. This activity was co-ordinated by Membership Secretary Wayne Gilbert. Editor Bob Lansdale provided valuable digital pdf files for the latter part of the period.

Our 40th Anniversary was celebrated in a similar fashion adding another five years to the DVD under the guidance of Membership Secretary Wayne Gilbert. This updated DVD was distributed to all current members.

This web site was established in April 1996 to further our objectives via the rapidly expanding influence of the world wide web. In 1999 we did a site wide face-lift. In September 2007 we began a going forward update to a new web design. On March 21st, 2011 we again updated the site, this time moving to a WordPress CMS to simplify updates and open the way for less technically demanding management of site content. A RESEARCH menu was added and as of January 2024 Jeri Danyleyko began moving Photo repair and Information manuals from the Craig CD collection to her computer.

The Canadian Stereoscopic Collection (CSC) was established under the guidance of Stan White initially at Sheridan College, Oakville Campus. In the spring of 2007 the collection moved to the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) in Toronto and became a part of the gallery’s photographic holdings. Portions of the collection were returned to the PHSC in 2015. Post COVID, the CSC is no longer in existence.

The awards program encourages research into the history of photography and publication of the findings. It was launched in the fall of 1995 by then President Les Jones and later  managed by John Morden. In 2012 Mr Morden presented the society’s first annual Thesis Prize to sol Legault, a student at Ryerson University.  As of summer 2017 the awards program is managed by Ashley Cook. Check out our award winners to date, and discover how you can request consideration for an award or grant to help fund your research.

As of 2011, the majority of our members own personal computers and over  three quarters of them use the high speed internet.

In September 2016 Sonja Pushchak redesigned and renamed the newsletter as PHSC News taking over as editor until the fall 2023 when Katrin Faridani took on the editorial duties, later transferred to Patrick Gunn.

To recap, In November 2001 PC journal editor, the late Robert Lansdale, initiated the PHSC E-mail Newsletter. This free publication is issued 10 to 12 times a year to members and non members to report current news and activities. The newsletter currently goes to over 1,900 individuals and organizations. Editors (Robert Lansdale (founder), David Bridge, Sonja Pushchak, Katrin Faridani, Patrick Gunn). Under the editorship of Mr Gunn, the newsletter was redesigned and the numbering aligned with the shift to calendar year membership beginning with issue 25-1.

In 2017 Mr Bridge moved distribution to the free service of MailChimp. Bob Carter continues to do MailChimp list updates while Mr Bridge arranges distribution.

In May, 2011 the PHSC established a PayPal account to allow members to renew on-line or by email. There is a Join/Renew button just below our address in the right hand sidebar of many pages, including this one. Annual fee is $35CDN for all addresses. Members can opt for a three year membership at $100CDN. This fee change took effect in January 2024.

In 2020/21, online donation were accepted by our account at PayPal and Canada Helps. The site includes links to our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Eventbrite accounts. In 2020, to offset the stringent rules during COVID-19 we opened a ZOOM account. and later an Eventbrite account. Our monthly presentations went online January 2021.

During 2020 we used a MailChimp tag of ‘member’ to limit the specials and pdf versions of Photographic Canadiana to PHSC members. A similar tag ‘non-renewal’ (no longer in use) flags those members who did not renew for the current membership year.