Toronto. Recognize the Leica M3 at the right top of page 1 in this month’s PHSC News newsletter? The most famous of all Leicas, design was done before and during WW2. You can see the prototype Leica IV in the Leica museum in Solms, Germany.
December is nearing the mid point. People in the know are ruminating on a fifth wave of COVID. Yet our editor, Sonja, and her team found the time to produce this issue for you. World-wide, the Omicron variant threatens to be even more transmissible than the Delta. Here in Canada, changes have been somewhat eased by our vaccination levels (the third – a booster shot – gets underway this month) and a close adherence to common sense guidelines. Children under 12, and of school age, are being vaccinated now.
PHSC News (21-06) has many thought provoking articles as usual – all short, crisp, and provocative. Why not take a few moments and read them, easing your symptoms of virus lethargy.
Page 1 under “Comfort & Joy” discusses a photograph by 1950s and 60s society photographer Slim Aarons and the misidentification of its model in social media. Page 2 in “PHSC PRESENTS (virtually)” speaks of Queen Victoria’s massive 1894 Christmas Feast. This time page 3, under PHOTO BOOK 101 has the topic, “The Book for a Garage Mechanic Who has Everything”. Under Streamables on page 4, is an article on, “The Man Who Invented Christmas” or “You May Not Want to Have a Dickens of a Christmas“; while page 5 looks at how the British are coping with the supply chain mess in the food area in, “The OVERSEAS File“.
Page 6 covers, “Open Me First and Get Ready to Feel Inadequate“, or Christmas ads c1950s, in David’s EQUIPMENT REVIEW. David is followed on page 7 by John Morden’s thoughtful selection of WEB LINKS.
Page 8 features the poster for our popular annual (now ZOOM ) event “A Show and Tell”. We see those friends Ivy & Izzy, on page 9, trading quips on the topic “Checking out Darwin’s Head“. As a wrapper, page 10 has John’s compilation of shows, events, and exhibitions of interest to collectors/photographers everywhere – take a look.
P.S. As usual, every link shown in the newsletter is a hot link just waiting for your click!
P.P.S. You can visit this issue by clicking here, or by g0ing to the menu item NEWSLETTER at the top of the page. There is a drop down menu that takes you to older issues dating back a couple of decades to the very beginning.