gizmos and gadgets …

be a photographer – earn big money …

Toronto. Folks in the US were busy flogging everything that was popular, most ads seem to tell how easy it was to earn more money if you just bought the latest gizmo, gadget, or took ‘free lessons’.

In the heyday of the minicam, the ads promoted special cameras at a fraction of the cost of ‘foreign’ cameras. Most seemed to be based on box cameras but molded to look like the pricier  minicams to the naive eye.

Post war; radio, television, auto repair, and electricity were advertised as a means to instant well paying jobs. Photography in the form of cameras pretty much disappeared while the odd ‘education’ ad like this one from NYC hung on.

One of our members once spent a long winter in NYC at such an institution, busy ‘marking’ papers from dawn to dusk.

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