Toronto. … girl and boy land … It’s that season once again. Some folk collect toy cameras. In the days of film, these cameras may or may not have worked. If they did, the result was even worse than a ‘snap-shot’ with a box camera.
This has changed with the digital era. Very quickly, the image quality over-took toy film cameras and digital images from toys began to match those of better cameras – if the lighting and skills were there.
In today’s world, every (almost every) digital phone comes with a camera module. As tiny computers took over, the limitations of the tiny sensors disappeared and the very short focal length became an asset. One need only point and shoot to get a technically sound image. A steady hand, understanding of light, and skill in subject choice and framing are still essential for great photos.
The short focal length gives an incredible depth of field which the ever improving tiny computers can even ‘blur’ in some image areas as if a longer lens and wider aperture had been used. Since smartphones quickly become obsolete, toy cameras are fading into history. Toy land, toy land, …