getting it there

A Misquito bomber c WW2 and the pilot, Ms Violet Milstead.

Toronto. I received further material on Women in the Air late on the 5th. George Dunbar sent me this photo and link. It ties in nicely with an American story of similar female pilots ferrying aircraft on the West coast of the States.

Women joined our air services in the second world war but we civilians seldom heard of them. Their valuable contribution is noted in Canada’s History magazine for April, 2024 with the article, “Women and the War in the Air” written by Joel Ralph  and posted February 29, 2024.

The photograph above, left is captioned “Canadian pilot Violet Milstead stands in front of a Mosquito bomber. Milstead and other women pilots delivered bombers from factories to Bomber Command stations.” The image is courtesy of  the “BOMBER COMMAND MUSEUM OF CANADA”.

And once again we show the value of photography and photographers for making history interesting to all. It is worth noting that many of our members, including past president, the late Larry Boccioletti, worked for De Havilland in the facilities where the Mosquito bombers were built.

While we cannot promise you will find such exciting war photos at our events this spring, Come on out anyway this May to greet old friends and add to your collection or user gear! Just a hint – we will be adding a post as each event date  comes closer. Meantime, the basics are shown in the right hand sidebar of this site under PHSC EVENTS.

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