Toronto. We often feature photographers here. This time it is the German/American Arnold Genthe. He had the fortune (misfortune?) to be in San Francisco in 1906 when a devastating earthquake struck California near that city.
Genthe’s photos are available on line at many institutions, including the ARTIC in Chicago. A conservator in San Francisco plans to host an online conference on Arnold Genthe’s photos and the famous earthquake via Facebook.
Victoria Binder of the Fine Atrs Museum in that city writes,
“Hi Photo History Friends,
“Please join curator, Karin Breuer and me, April 22nd @ 3 pm, for a Legion of Honor Museum, Facebook Live discussion on resilience and Arnold Genthe’s photographs of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake.
“Please share!
“You can find the event on the Legion of Honor Museum Facebook Page.
“Best wishes,
Victoria Binder
Head of Paper Conservation
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
de Young \ Legion of Honor”
A big thank you to our journal editor, Bob Lansdale, for passing this information along.