what’s in your wallet?

Argus Contest in LIFE Nov 1962

Toronto. Not to be out done by Airequipt, Argus posted a two page spread (pp 10, 11) in the November 30, 1962 issue of LIFE magazine offering 10,ooo free prizes in the “ARGUS HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY”. The offer was limited to dealers in the American mid west. We did get a call out in fine print with the note “prices higher in Canada” below the list of participating American dealers.

I could not find a number anywhere for this contest (perhaps it was only printed on an insert). 1,000 of the winners got their choice of advertised camera or projector free – the other 9,000  winners got a child’s movie viewer and a Mr McGoo cartoon movie. All other early shoppers also got one free too (with the same cartoon movie) if they bought any of the advertised items on or before December 10, 1962 from the listed dealers.

As they say, “only in America“. Thanks to George Dunbar for pointing out this Argus contest to me. In fairness, photography products were often imported to Canada by third party wholesale firms who may not have shared the advertising costs in LIFE or the prizes.

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