Toronto. Well over a century ago publications had a choice of using words, sketches, coarse half -tones, or real prints tipped in. In issue 19-5, future editor Bob Lansdale wrote an article titled, “Real photo prints graced early Canadian Photographic [CP] Journal”.
The tipped-in photos were donated to us by Thomas Ritchie of White River. Of the photographer Castor, Bob writes (quoting Mr Ritchie), “Entitled ‘Studio Work’, (140 x 98mm) by J.A. Castor, Ontario, is printed on American ‘Aristo’ paper. Pages 319 and 320 of the journal carried his photo and life story from Collingwood, Ontario, as follows.
“Starting in 1872 he was trained by J.H. Davis, whom he later bought out. The studio was burned and he returned to a Grieves Block location from 1875 to 1888, when he moved to Bells New Block. Castor‘s 10 competitors, over his 22 years of business, existed individually from 1 to 3 years.
“The [CP] Journal continues, he has never lowered prices or gone in for scams. Gets $4 for cabinets. He makes everything from little ‘sun beams’ up to 18 x 22. Has 3 different portrait cameras and 2 view cameras 8 x 10 and 14 x 17. His operating room is 16 x 40 (feet), skylight facing north and of ground glass, very soft, though strong. It is 16 x 20 feet, very steep to avoid the snow lying on it. Has side light down to within 3 feet of the floor.
“No special curtains except one big one of thin cotton if the light is too strong. Manage(s) light with small background for screen. Own style of lighting and it seems to work very well.”
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