Show & Tell, Gift Exchange, Silent Auction

A massive old flash bulb. Single use for illuminating large areas.

A massive old flash bulb. Single use for illuminating large areas.

NEXT TORONTO MEETING: Wed, December 16, 2015.
Show and Tell, Gift Exchange, Silent Auction

**NOTE DATE: Erroneously shown as a week later initially. Thanks to Ms Cook for spotting it** 

For the ever popular show and tell session some members bring in unusual items from their collections to share with others. Anne and Bill Harker of the St James Cathedral Archives will show the restored daguerreotypes of the old church drawings.

A gift exchange has been a feature of our annual December meeting for forty years. The rules are simple. Bring a wrapped gift worth about $15 – $20 nd of interest to a fellow collector. Tickets are used to randomly select gift exchanging members.

The silent auction is a recent activity first recommended and coordinated by the late Christine Mackay. In recent years the items have been owned by or donated to the PHSC helping us to offset annual costs.

Below is a small sample of things to be auctioned. Click “Continue reading” to see the photos.

The public is welcome.  Go to our Programs page for times and directions.

Some of the items in our December 16, 2015 Silent Auction

Some of the items in our December 16, 2015 Silent Auction

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