Toronto. Join us on the 16th of October, 2024 at 8:00 pm for “Shinjuku’s Lost Paradise” the latest presentation by Dutch journalist and photographer based in Japan, Kjeld Duits, via ZOOM. Mr Duits last spoke with us in March of this year to a strongly attended ZOOM audience.
NOTE: We sent out a ‘blast’ to all contacts on our MailChimp list (with valid email addresses) about this exciting event. Sign up for free on Eventbrite here. Not on our list? Send an email to to be added.
Questions? email either our programme director, Celio Barreto at or our president Clint Hryhorijiw at And remember, visit one of our fall events (next up is our fall fair on October 20th) – you may just see a photograph or another neat item for your collection (or user gear).