Toronto. I did a post back on June 2nd noting that the iconic Sunday Antique Market in St Lawrence Hall was closing. I saw in the November 10 Etobicoke Guardian (the local free rag) that Marlene Cook was reopening her Sunday Antique Market (SAM) in the Small Arms Inspection Building (SAIB) just down the road from where we hold our auctions (just the other side of Marie Curtis park in Lakeview – my grandfather once worked there).
The folks at the SAM write on their website, ” In 1940 the site [SAIB] became a large munitions plant, manufacturing rifles and small arms for the Canadian Army through the Second World War. It was a key industry in Lakeview.
“By 1943 the factory employed more the 5300 workers, two thirds of whom were women, playing a major role in the allied war effort during the Second World War and demonstrating their ability in a field that had traditionally been considered “men’s work.” This new role was instrumental in recognizing women’s importance to the workforce in Canada, creating significant change in Canada’s work life.
“The factory, known as the Small Arms Inspection Building (SAIB), was slated for demolition in 2008 and purchased by the City of Mississauga in 2017.
“Located at 1352 Lakeshore Road East it’s a three minute drive from the Long Branch Go Station or a brief 10 minute walk. It’s also a short stroll to the lake for those who want a few moments to commune with nature.”
Some members had tables at the SAM as well as at our events. Drop by and see if you can augment your collection!