Toronto. Another delightful newsletter by our editor Sonja Pushchak. Sonja’s newsletters have themes – this issue mixes Valentine’s Day with Black History month.
She begins with a backgrounder on the song Paper Moon – a riff on Valentine’s Day. Next up is a wonderful introduction to our next speaker, Dr Julie Crooks whose talk will celebrate Black History month as does page three on the Scurlock Studio in Washington DC and page four on a Toronto Exhibition called Rich and Poor at the RIC featuring photographs by Jim Goldberg.
This is followed by an update to an earlier story on pre photographic use of lenses by oil paint artists. David does a comparison of a new Samsung smartphone camera and a “Y2K” vintage Olympus digital camera. Louise tosses in her always interesting Web Talks column (with live links). In Photo History, Sonja discusses Kara Walker and Shadows on the Wall, a modern take on the pre photographic tool, the silhouette, this time using obviously Black antebellum scenes and images.
All the above plus ads and posters make this another very readable issue. Click here or on the Diana F+ icon to read and print.