Toronto. Kodak made its money in the days of film by selling, ummm, film. And to do that, Kodak sold inexpensive cameras – film burners. But with seemingly a big difference to its competitors – they listened to their customers. This was exemplified in their 1968 LFE ad for super 8 movie Instamatic cartridges and cameras.
The ad suggests an M12 or alternative Instamatic movie camera. The cameras besides being cheap, offered quick cartridge loading with no need to flip or thread; Super 8 image size; battery operation, (eliminating the mechanical winder), and simple operation.
The short focus f/2.7 lens gave a deep depth of field eliminating focussing. The f/stop could be changed to match the light (or faster film). Of course, the more expensive versions had electric eyes, zoom lenses, etc. and it took a bit more learning to operate them cxorrectly. The above ad appeared in LIFE magazine’s April 26, 1968 issue as a two page spread on pages 21, 22.
A heartfelt thank you to my good friend George Dunbar for sharing this bit of photographic history with me.