Toronto. The pandemic that swept the world this year caused a seismic change in photographic historical societies. The societies reacted in various ways. Our group (PHSC) took advantage of our MailChimp account used to disseminate our newsletter “PHSC News” by adding a MEMBER tag to separate out member emails. Using the tag, we were able to send pdf copies of our journal “Photographic Canadiana” to all members with an email address on file (just over 4/5 of the members).
Since the monthly meetings were cancelled by decree, we elected to compile other material in pdf files ready to send to members IF they supplied an email address AND had a fast enough internet connection to receive the 2mb or so pdf files. A number of files are ready and will go out beginning next month (or late this month).
Others have elected to produce free short online videos (Michigan Photographic Historical Society) or even hold weekly lectures open to members (and others) who pay a modest fee (Daguerreian Society).