Bill’s ‘something’ revisited …

Bill Belier’s ‘something’ identified and discussed by Bob Lansdale in Jan 1993

Toronto. Journal editor Ev Roseborough in issue 18-4 revisits Bill Belier’s ‘something’ after a lengthy conversation with future journal editor, Bob Lansdale and Bob’s correct identification of this bit of history.

Ev begins, “Gather round, dear readers, for the final episode of the great Photographic Canadiana ‘whatsit’ competition.

“Our members’ suggestions ran the gamut of photographica. The contest ended without a correct answer by the October 31, 1991, deadline. Fred Warner’s two-page letter was awarded a book for some ingenious sleuthing (PC17-4).

“In Volume 17 No.2 (Sept.-Oct. 1991) Bill Belier’s “Something” contest invited readers to explain:
(a) what is it?
(b) how it was used, and with what,
(c) the function of the ring gear,
(d) the function of the saddle,
(e) the presence of a burn,
(f) the peculiar styling of the handles, and
(g) the inverted lens mounting.

“In the meantime, I had written the answers in response to many inquiries but this is the first opportunity to publish them. In November Bob Lansdale spotted an illustration in Stanley Triggs’ book William Notman, The Story [Stamp ?] of a Studio which rang a bell and he lost no time in sending a print. Of course, he was right. …”

The rest of Ev’s article is available as a pdf on the members-only DVD. And to save you time to find out how to join us and get the DVD, see above (and at right). Any Questions, just give Lilianne an email at

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