where do you go pro, my lovely

A GoPro Digital Camera from an article on How-to Geek

Toronto. Digital photography has been around now for about 3 decades as a viable alternative to film. It is long past the time older digital cameras could be considered as collectibles.

In fact a growing number of people have never used a film camera (aside from niche fanatics). Nor bought film; nor saw a photograph emerge from blank paper. They only know digital smartphone images in full colour – cameras where monotone (black and white) is a filter.

The other day on the site How-to Geek, Tim Brookes postulated, “5 Reasons You Should Buy a GoPro (or Similar Action Camera). This article addresses rugged digital cameras intended for use under extreme conditions. These aren’t your regular mirrorless cameras,   professional DSLRs, or the now ubiquitous cameras in smartphones. They are intended to go one mountain bikes, climbing, hiking, underwater and in fact anywhere a regular digital camera would struggle.

The retailing of these special ruggedized digital cameras is another indication that digital cameras are now mainstream. Still long for yesterday? Drop into one of our auctions or fairs to see the older digital cameras, film cameras, lenses, etc. suitable for either use or collecting! The latest dates and locations are in our right hand sidebar.

Note. The title I used here is a riff on the 1969 song,”Where do You go to My Lovely” byPeter Sarstedt. The aspect ratio is off but not the song. A later version by Peter exists (1998) but it isn’t as haunting as the original version.

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