Toronto. …business plans that is. While we can’t be sure of the web site (very cryptic today), the product announced in June, 2017 never arrived as far as I can tell. My good friend George Dunbar (who no longer has a land line, computer, internet connection, etc.) mailed me the attached from an article he spotted in the June 2017 Photo District News.
The concept by a California based company is to give ‘free’ digital cameras (suitably disguised by a stitched covering) to those folk who enquire at their Palo Alto office. All digital shots taken with the camera are sent to a special server and are viewable via a special app. Files for any shots selected are downloaded to the customer for a US buck each.
But the idea seems to have withered on the vine. No surprise since smartphones, web sites, computers, etc., already around years before Relonch, already offered photo shots without extra fees, in fact, less than a decade later digital images far exceed those taken with non-digital technology from the very beginning of the art. Some sites do offer copyrighted images taken by others at various rates.
Smartphones and their editing apps these days are beginning to mirror DSLR image quality and flexibility raising serious disinterest in using a bulky standalone camera and paying extra for files of photos taken by the ‘owner’.