Toronto. It’s been a decade now since Kodak shut down the Kodachrome film line and nearly nine years since the last Kodachrome processing facility closed. In its glory days, people used Kodachrome for their best work. It was contrasty, slow, famous for enhancing some colours and for its time stability. Over a half century since they were used and my Kodachrome slides still have a decent colour rendering.
In 1956, Arrow shirts capitalized on the popularity of Kodachrome by offering a line of casual shirts all in “Kodachrome” hues! Thanks to my good friend George Dunbar for sourcing the above May 28, 1956 Arrow Casual Wear ad in LIFE magazine (pp92-93).
Nowadays we automatically expect colour accuracy in our photographs, but back then you chose a particular slide film for its emphasis of reds or greens or blues, etc.