Toronto. The latest PHSC News newsletter (19-08) was sent out to all addresses on our MailChimp list. Another tasty issue skillfully prepared by editor Sonja Pushchak and her team.
Page 1 discusses an African-American photographer and his first of its kind cover for Vogue magazine. The article recognizes Black History Month which we celebrate in February. NB. the Hermès Leica kit goes for about $50k to those with deep pockets…
Page 2 introduces Victor Caratun of the Toronto Past Archive who is our speaker this month. And remembering Valentine’s day, Page 3 covers the notorious Valentine’s Day massacre in 1929 Chicago and its resulting social benefits. Following our Auction poster on p 4, we have the controversial Toronto File and its discussion of “green” background screens in today’s world.
In the Equipment Review on p 6, our friend and associate David Bridge shows the evolution of Kodak’s logo over a century and more. This is followed by Web Links on p 7 by David as an assist to wife Louise Freyburger (the enhanced “arrival ‘of a train” shows the amazing distance we have come since the early days of movies). NB. all links in the pdf work!
PHSC Events on p 8 tells you what we are up to these days while the Vi and Dot column takes over p 9 to discuss some commonality with Cabaret (I saw its predecessor, “I am a Camera”). And as usual. The Classifieds covers shows, cries for help, and books, all of interest to readers and PHSC members. Click here or on the Leica above to read or print this latest issue. Click on NEWSLETTER in the MENU BAR to see/print older issues.