Newsletter 14-10

Our friend Ken Metcalf needs info on this fine Caywood Flash and its original box

Our friend Ken Metcalf needs info on this fine Caywood Flash and its original box

Toronto. The latest newsletter had been completed by editor David Bridge primarily to advertising the auction this coming Sunday. The main features are the auction, and the February meeting report.

Last month the PHSC met at the Market Gallery in Toronto to learn about the history of member Harry Joy and the view an exhibit of his photographs plus those of Doug Hemmy and Andy Brooks.

If you can help Ken Metcalf regarding the Caywood Flash at left, drop him a note.

The 3rd PHSC Image Show next month also has a page. And we wrap up with some of our regular columns such as Photo Links, Current Events and Want Ads. Click here or on the icon at left to read or print this latest edition of our newsletter!

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