movie time

Darling Cine camera Model A (early 1900s) – courtesy of the Hove Museum and Art Gallery

Toronto. Before TV became common place, the only means to view any news ‘videos’ was the “MovieTone News” – a short shown before the main feature in movie theatres. Such palaces seem a bit quaint today with huge high resolution flat screen TVs in the home common place. Before going digital ourselves, we often had relevant movies queued up in the event a speaker was suddenly unavailable.

In April, 2003, we conducted a mail-in auction for the items in the collection of the late Walter Shean. One lot consisted of an unusual wood encased 35mm cine camera from the early 1900s. This lot went to our then resident movie expert, the late Robert Gutteridge.

Bob was a teacher in his earlier years and an author more recently. Once he received this strange foot square camera, he began doing serious research. It turned out to be a British camera, known as a Darling Model A. The little camera was made a bit earlier than 1905 when the newer Model B was marketed.

Bob’s detailed story titled, “A Story of Alfred Darling” appears in our journal, issue 30-4 dated Jan/Feb 2005. Read more about this camera and Alfred Darling, benefitting from the detailed research by Mr Gutteridge.  Just a note – ALL members have the DVD which includes all issues of Photographic Canadiana from Volume 1 to 35, or more recently 1 to 40.

Not a member? No sweat! At the right on most pages, there are two PayPal buttons – one for those with a PayPal account and one for those who prefer to use a credit card. Choose one and choose the membership period from the drop down menu – one or three years. That’s it! Your DVD will be on its way from our membership secretary.

Next Sunday we will  be hosting our 49th Spring Photographica-fair (Camera Fair). See the poster here for all the gory details. Free parking, modest admission fee, great food, and good friends. Plus you have a chance to augment your personal collection/user gear – movie or still; film or digital.

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