Toronto. More than 10 million people send 600 million emails daily using the MailChimp service. With issue 15-10 of our newsletter we too have joined this trending service! Our 20 mail lists were converted to Excel, assembled, and cleaned up before David Bridge submitted them to MailChimp.
Our newsletter is also hosted on MailChip servers and when we initiate distribution with the Send This Campaign button, MailChimp sends out a notice to all on our list. Clicking on the notification letter link lets the recipient read the newsletter (and use the hot links in our newsletter – you did know about the hot links :-). The newsletter can be saved as usual to the reader’s computer (some folk have experienced a problem doing this). Using SAVE AS instead of SAVE seems to work – or you can go to this website and download a copy if you really need it on your own computer.
Not only is it faster for us to use this service, but MailChimp offers statistics not otherwise available, backs up our mail list, keeps our lists secure, and simplifies future transfer of this site and the newsletter distribution to other voluneers. It remains to the PHSC volunteers to add and delete addresses as need be before we initiate a new mailing. If you are having trouble using this new service, drop me or David a note at