In Search of Geraldine Moodie

Cree woman and boy c1895 – PC journal 24-5, page 8 review

Toronto. Yesterday’s post on PhotoEd items mentioned Geraldine Moodie. This triggered in my mind an article on Ms Moodie in our journal.

It was actually a book review of the book, “In Search of Geraldine Moodie”. The review is in the March, 1999 issue (24-5). Written by editor Bob Lansdale, the review discusses Donny White’s book about Ms Moodie and some of her photographs.

The book was published by the Canadian Plains Research Center,
University of Regina in Regina, Sask. at the end of 1998. Both a paperback version and an electronic version seem to be available today.

Consider checking your local library or picking up your own copy.There you can learn the fascinating story and photos of a Canadian photographer as she and her husband faced the unforgiving Canadian north a century or more ago.

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