homeward bound

Homeward bound running engine 1337 on an Ontario CNR line

Toronto. In 1966, Simon and Garfunkel released a song written by Paul Simon in England. The title is apropos this post.

The photo at left shows an old engineer piloting his steam engine home. By the time the song was released, the old engineer and his engine had passed into history – railways shifted to diesel engines; the old engineer shuffled off his ‘mortal coil’.

A subset of image collecting is ‘transportation’. Image collectors can investigate their collection and dig out old railway photos. Don’t disregard postcards – some use real photos depicting various modes of transportation.

No suitable photos? Drop by our 2025 events – or a postcard show – you may just find those photos that complement your collection. The event, date, and location will be shown here on the right hand sidebar and included in a specific post close to the event date.

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