Graflex Journal 2-24

a 1957 Christmas Party poster from Graflex

Toronto. I sure hope the turkey and trimmings are all digested by now! Those of you who collect/use large cameras, especially those of the Graflex persuasion are in for a treat. The second issue of the Graflex Journal for 2024 is now out – just squeezing in before year end.

Three tasty items are featured: first, “A Need for a Speed – An Upgraded 1939 Baby Speed for 120 Roll Film” written by Jeffery L. Yost, second, “Synchronization in 1939” a massive undertaking by editor Ken Metcalf, and third, an interesting tale from GEH, “From the George Eastman Museum 2-color Kodachrome Camera”. As usual the issue is packed with illustrations.

Illustrated here at left is a “1957 Santa Claus poster (22 x 28″), from eBay. The poster uses the original pen and ink artwork by S. P. Wickert of Rochester NY.”

“Wickert was hired as a draftsman by Graflex, Inc., and soon rose to the position of industrial designer. He became well known to Graflex employees for his many amusing  posters advertising annual company picnics, clam bakes, and Christmas parties.”

Issues from 2022 and earlier are online. If you can’t wait to see the latest issues visit Graflex today and see what others offer.

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