Her Majesty and her M3 at the Royal Windsor Horse Show. May, 1982. From the Tim Graham Photo Library courtesy Getty Images
Toronto. We were all sorry to learn of the death of Queen Elizabeth II recently. Television offered numerous programs about the Queen, her history, and her state funeral. In one program we learned of her favourite past times. I found it very gratifying that she not only took numerous stills photographs (and later some home movies) but diligently updated her albums with the resulting prints.
Her majesty favoured many camera and lenses – especially high end models by Leitz and Rollei of Germany. There are numerous photographs of Queen Elizabeth and her M3 with the MC meter attached. The M3 is a really well built work horse, one of the most popular cameras ever made by Leitz. The same basic design endured for many years. Even today, the Leica digital cameras look remarkably similar in design to the M3 while the bayonet mount for the M series cameras remains very popular.