Filmos – well made movie equipment of yesteryear

A once famous logo

Toronto. Bell & Howell was founded over a century ago in Chicago. Initially, it was famous for high end professional cameras and projectors. Over 80 years ago they introduced their Filmo marque on home model cameras and projectors.

In later years, the company collaborated with Canon on still cameras, moved into 16mm movie equipment, supplied media gear to schools and offices, abandoned the movie business, slowly dispersed their non-information technology lines, and finally succumbed to the digital forces selling their trademarks to makers of cheap digital gear. The company merged a number of times and was renamed Bell and Howell. The company, owned by Versa Capital was spun off as a separate subsidiary in October of 2017. It now makes and sells direct mail and parcel labelling equipment.

My thanks to Goldie of Toronto for catching this memorable advertisement from the February 28, 1949 issue of LIFE magazine. As a matter of interest, one of our presidents, the late Bill Belier, was heavily involved with Bell & Howell’s Canadian branch around the time of or shortly after this ad when the company was known for photographic products.

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