Executive Meeting No 45 via ZOOM

PHSC President Clint Hryhorijiw

Toronto. March is heading into hot weather – we held our 45th ZOOM executive meeting last Wednesday of which this a brief recap.

The latest PHSC newsletter by editor Katrin Faridani is due out in March. For any viewer wishing a  personal copy, drop me an email at news@phsc.ca and I will add you to the MailChimp list.

Membership Secretary Lilianne Schneider continues to handle the membership records. Contact her via info@phsc.ca if you have any questions.

We need volunteers at our meetings and events. Send us your name here: info@phsc.ca. And I will see our president is informed.

Our journal is available in pdf format after notification from MailChimp to your inbox. If  you have UNSUBSCRIBED  to MailChimp, you will not receive journals or other info. Nor can we reinstate that specific email address for you  –  MailChimp blocks renewal by me of such addresses (a form, not yet on our site, could allow you to reactivate it). Also, if you change email addresses, please tell us as MailChimp flags such old addresses as CLEANED and cannot add your new address automatically.

*By the way, note that as of 2022, our membership year ends December 31st.* Also as of 2024, memberships are $35/$100 1 yr/3 yr Canadian regardless of the member location (one of the perks of pdf format for our journal).

The March Toronto meeting will be  a special talk from Japan by Dutch journalist and photographer Kjeld Duits  via ZOOM on the 20th.  We will notify those on our MailChimp list how to join the event. If you are not yet on MailChimp, please contact Clint or Celio via info@phsc.ca for connection details. We will forward the message. Further details about this event will be in a post on this site closer to the 20th.

Co-editor David Bridge and partner Louise Freyburger are currently writing issue 49-4 of Photographic Canadiana.  The issue is scheduled for release around late March, 2024. PS: Please renew or join now if you haven’t already. See the MEMBERSHIP menu above and/or our PayPal button at right.

Remember, we notify members via MailChimp as each new journal issue is released. If you are a member but HAVE NOT seen the notification since you registered/renewed, please email me at info@phsc.ca. The most recent journal (49-3) was issued the end of last year.

And remember – next week is supposed to be warm …

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