Dennis Cannon 1938-2021 age 83

Dennis Cannon
Enhancement by
Bob Lansdale

Toronto. I was saddened to receive an email late yesterday from Bob Lansdale. A mutual friend, Dennis Cannon died April 4th, 2021 at St. Joe’s, here in Etobicoke (the west end borough of Toronto). For many years, Dennis was a top sales executive for Kodak and an active member of the PHSC from 1977-1997 before moving to BC.

When he returned to Toronto some time after retiring from Kodak, he became a PHSC member once again and a frequent attendee of our monthly Toronto meetings before COVID-19 hit.

When the Kodak Disc cameras and film were introduced in 1982,  Dennis spoke to the PHSC in the old stand-alone North York Memorial Hall, extolling the tiny film’s resolution and printing details when correctly processed.

I remember attending an executive meeting at his home on Baby Point Road a few months  before his talk on the Disc cameras. Dennis was a great asset to the society, always ready to help out (Membership Secretary in 1981; participation on various committees; etc.).

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