Toronto. In 1995 we heard a talk by Michael Torosian about his Lumiere Press enterprise which prints fine quality reproductions of old and rare books including volumes about photography from its early days.
In issue 21-1 an anonymous article (likely by Ev) told the story of Lumiere Press and Torosian for all members beginning, “The story of Lumiere Press is really the story of Michael Torosian, a remarkably gifted individual who has mastered the graphic arts and merged them to create his own expressions of beauty and philosophy.
“Example of the recreations are housed in public collections at universities and museums across Canada, the United States, Europe and as far away as New Zealand, a complete list of which occupies several pages, in addition to the private libraries of bibliophiles.
“In October of 1980 a proof press, a small collection of foundry type and the tools of the letterpress trade were acquired. By 1986 an Intertype typecasting machine was added to the growing shop, enabling Torosian to publish the first volume of the Homage series, Dedicated to Simplicity, a reminiscence of Edward Weston written by his son Cole.”
Like all members, you can read the rest of this fine article in the 21-1 pdf file on the free members-only DVD. Don’t have it? Not a member? Well, joining is easy! Check out the MEMBERSHIP sub-menu above (especially the Membership Form) and the PayPal article at right. Send your cheque and form or just the form after using your credit card/PayPal account. Questions? Email Lilianne at Membership is both rewarding and inexpensive.