Toronto. A good month so far, although my wife says we usually get snow later in March. Be that as it may, Editor Bob Lansdale has put together the latest amalgamation of newsletters in his supplement – Vol 2-3. All members with an email address on file at the PHSC received this pdf version Friday. It is an amalgamation of selected newsletters from our exchange members who gave their blessing for inclusion in this venture.
The cover quote says, “We hope that the Covid pandemic soon passes away so we can get back to normal with regular meetings and events. In the interim here are additional newsletters to keeping you reading. Please enjoy.
“Ken Metcalf of the Graflex Journal has another interesting issue which should entertain you well.
“Another fine newsletter comes from The Western Canada Photographic Historical Association in British Columbia with some fine reading content.”
I noted last year that these packages were coming for members, ” … we elected to compile other material in pdf files ready to send to members IF they supplied an email address AND had a fast enough internet connection to receive the 2 – 10 mb or so pdf files. …”.
Well, the Volume 2-3 went out, and if you didn’t get it but you do get our newsletters, drop me a note ( I will verify you are a 2020/2021 member and send off a copy. If you are a current member and didn’t see a copy, please check your junk folder. This and all other specials will only be sent to paid members. Not one yet? No big deal – pull your plastic and use the PayPal set up at the top right of this web page. Note: We will continue to send our excellent newsletter ‘PHSC News‘ to all who are on our MailChimp list – PHSC member or not.