a “something” camera

Bill Belier’s ‘something’ back in fall, 1991 courtesy of Ev Roseborough

Toronto. Did you ever see a one-off camera? Bill Belier found such a beast that was once used in a studio. In issue 17-2 Ev writes and illustrates this captivating find by Bill Belier in an article titled: [Identify] Bill’s “Something”; win a book!

Ev describes his first encounter with Bill and the beast, “Recently one evening the ‘phone rang and a familiar voice enquired if we had finished dinner. This immediately set him apart from most other callers to the Editor who usually launch into their discourse as soon as the receiver is lifted.

“The caller was Bill Belier and the conversation went something like this:

“I have bought a ‘something’. perhaps you can tell me what it is?”

“Half an hour later a perspiring Bill struggled up the steps. clutching a huge wooden contraption which he deposited on the floor with a thud.”

Members back in 1991 read the story in their copy of the journal. Recent members could also read the story, but as a pdf file on the ‘members only’ DVD. It is easy to join – see ‘MEMBERSHIP’ above or ‘Membership – Join or Renew!’ at the right. Drop Lilianne Schneider an email at member@phsc.ca if you have questions.

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