a great use for a camera

Globe illustration by Rachel Wada (March 15, 2019 issue)

Toronto. The Globe and Mail in its Arts section has a nifty column called First Person. The column prints various   eclectic essays written by readers of this fine old newspaper. Last Friday’s essay by Paula Turner Curating a Tour of Life in Vignettes is a retitling of her essay written on visiting her parents home of over 60 years after the death of her mother  (her father died a couple of years earlier).

Paula reminisces about how she could capture the numerous objects so important to her mother and their placement. She realizes neither she nor her children could ever keep all the many memories – photos alone fill 10 boxes! When her husband arrives with a camera to record an object for insurance purposes, she has an epiphany, realizing how to preserve her family home and its contents.

She has her husband carefully photograph every room and its contents. Read her words for yourself and think about how a camera could record your family home for posterity. I accidentally did most of this after my mother followed my dad’s footsteps to hospital and then a long term care home nearby a decade and a half ago this past February.

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