Toronto. When Ev was our editor, one of our exchange journals was the Danish publication “Objektiv”. Ev prided himself in the ability to read other languages, including Danish in this case.
In his Editor’s Notebook for issue 20-5, Ev recounted the story of Jens Poul Andersen of Nellerød in Denmark. Anderson was a camera maker and inventor. While Andersen made many traditional still and movie cameras, he created a special model 311 around 1923 which used unperforated movie film.
Ev recounts the tale as follows, “The Danish camera maker and inventor of Nellerød who designed and built many studio, view, motion picture and stereo cameras made a 24 x 60 mm camera for unperforated cine-film about 1923 (N0. 311 ) and a year later model No. 313 in mahogany, for perforated film, measuring 9 x 5 x 23 em with [an f/]6.3 Zeiss Tessar lens in Compur shutter, for Holger Rosenberg.
“Both are in Danmarks Tekniske Museum.”