Yosemite OS X 10.10

iMac Desktop Yosemite

iMac Desktop Yosemite

Toronto. Yesterday, Apple announced its OS X 10.10 operating system.  The download was free. I decided to go after the latest version of OS X called Yosemite for my aging summer of 2007 iMac.

The servers at Apple must have been busy. It took hours and hours to download and eventually install. Like all OS X releases, this one installed without a bump and although my system is now seven years old it ran fine. Initial speed was very slow, as some other applications were downloading at the time, but tonight it seems to be running very well. If you have a Mac made in mid 2007 or more recently, go for it.

If you would like a review of the changes, read John Siracusa’s review of Yosemite at Ars Technica. Worth the read. Thanks to John Gruber of Daring Fireball for the suggestion.

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