Toronto. Collectors usually prefer to acquire a pristine example of a particular camera model. That is not always the case. Member Ed Warner picked up an Eastman View No1 a couple of decades ago as a ‘basket case’. Ed used his expert handyman skills to restore the camera to its original condition.
The 5×7 camera was originally sold around 1901-1910. Fortunately the name plate was on the basket case and once cleaned up, reattached to the camera.
A beautiful camera and a beautiful restoration. You may not find just such a camera at our spring fair (Sunday, May 26, 2024) but there will be ample goodies for your collection and/or user gear (film, plate and digital). Come down and enjoy the day. After all, the parking is free, the admission cheap, and the food is delicious!
Oh, yes. The camera restoration was featured in our journal issue 30-1 which is on the DVD given to all members of the PHSC. Not a member? See the PayPal buttons to the right. Cost is $35 CDN for one year and $100 CDN for 3 years regardless of your mailing address.