Toronto. About 1919 William James Sr tried to scale the fence at Varsitry Stadium (U of T stadium fronting on Bloor Street). In hand was his trusty Graflex camera. The intent to catch a sports event ended in disaster when James fell off the fence breaking his leg – no mention of the camera’s fate!
This photograph is in the City of Toronto Archives in the James family fonds (#1244) as item 3553. The James family members were well known in the day as some of the prominent professional Toronto photographers. In fact, William James Sr was considered to be Canada’s first photojournalist.
Summer Leigh, who spoke to us back in January, 2015, has this to say of William James Sr and fond 1244 at the city archives. Summer likes to use the old images and carefully overlays them with modern colour versions taken at the same place and with the same perspective.
A special thank you to Goldie, a member of the Urban Toronto website for emailing me with this arresting image of the senior member of the James Family!