PHSC Auction this Sunday, March 15, 2015

20150205-142844-image-smToronto. Dust off your wallet and join us this Sunday down at the Legion Hall on Lakeshore just west of Brown’s Line (bottom of highway 27/427). Click the icon at left for the details, time and location.

We have cameras, books, enlargers, accessories and more. Click here for a show of just a few of the items (click on the first item and start to scroll see the selection. Click on any item to see a full size image). More images follow…

A couple of last minute images show more lenses and cameras to go under the hammer Sunday. These were taken with an iPhone 5, touched up with Lightroom 5 and reduced a bit with Photoshop in CS5.

cameras-image2-0311 lenses-image1-0311

Our auctioneer will be PHSC’s past-president Clint Hryhorijiw while the vetting at the door will be headed by John Kantymir. Both Clint and John have a wealth of background and knowledge of camera collecting. Bring those items you no longer need and buy some special goodies for your collection. Lots of free parking and easy access by TTC or car.

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