Toronto. Vincenzo Petropaolo, author, photographer, PHSC member and PHSC speaker has been invited by the North Toronto Historical Society and the Northern District Library to give the above presentation beginning at 7:30 pm this coming April 24th, at the TPL in room 224, 40 Orchard View Boulevard, Toronto, ON M4R 1B9.
Refreshments will be available at 7:15 pm. The subject is of interest to both the photographic fraternity and historians. Vince reminds us that we in Toronto host one of the largest Italian communities in the world.
I have two mementos (a century old gingerbread clock and a CNR brakeman’s lantern) given to me by an old neighbour, Mrs Tony Caruso, after her husband died and she returned to Italy to be with her daughter Grace and her family in Milan. Her husband, who was always Mr Tony to me, joined the local utility after retiring from the railway. Each summer he and his wife sold garden fresh vegetables to cottagers and tourists alike at a nearby beach. In fact, I grew up in a house built on land my father bought from Mr Tony.