Official Photographers …

Arthur S. Goss (1881-1940), City Photographer, Toronto.

Toronto. “… The Work of Arthur Beales, Arthur Goss and Alfred Pearson” is a topic for an article in issue 18-2 announcing an exhibition at The Market Gallery of the City of Toronto Archives (Second Floor, South SI. Lawrence Market, 95 Front Street East).

The formal announcement begins, “From 1911 to his death in 1940, Arthur S. Goss was Official Photographer for the City of Toronto. It was a period of dramatic developments in the provision of municipal services, especially in the areas of public works, transportation, health care and parks and in the course of his career Goss produced some 300,000 photographs documenting these developments.

“After suffering many years of neglect in the attic of the old City Hall, Goss’ photographic negatives were rediscovered in 1960 by the first City Archivist, A.R.N. Woadden. It was immediately clear that the collection was of great historical value and, once fully restored and catalogued, the surviving 26,000 negatives presented a visual record of the City remarkable for its scope and stunning in its quality.”

Arthur Goss made photographs that were amongst my favourites! To see some of them and those of other ‘Official Photographers’ and read the accompanying article, members viewed issue 18-2 in its original hard copy version or more recently the electronic pdf version on the members-only DVD celebrating our 45th Anniversary (offering volumes 1-40 of our Journal).

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