Editor David Bridge has put together a tasty treat for November: Our November speaker, Mike Robinson will speak on his favourite medium, the Daguerreotype; Mark Singer put together a nifty review on our very popular October speaker, Ronit Novak, who gave a very detailed and interesting talk about the Ambrotype; PHSC returns to Campbell House next spring for CONTACT;
we announce our thesis prize-winner this year – Ryerson Masters student, ms. Anna Krentz; journal editor Bob Lansdale’s photo essays cover our first fair at the new hall and Rochester’s 16th symposium – both events held last month; Louise Freyburger launches PHSC’s very popular new Facebook group devoted to Canadian Photo History; Louise also writes her latest Photo Links column; and we wrap up with our spring line up of events, other current events, Want ads, etc. Click here or on the above icon to read and print this latest issue!