Mug Shots – Shades of the Departed!

Shades of the Departed

Shades of the Departed

Toronto. In early May my friend George Dunbar sent me a link he called, “A wonderful, online magazine of old crime and police photography“.

It turns out that Shades of the Departed, which I had as a link on this site for a time, also produces free online magazines with each issue featuring a topic.

According to the Shades web site, the name, Shades of the Departed, is credited to photographer Abraham Bogardus who in 1885, with tongue in cheek,  used the term to describe any picture he took for which the sitter failed to return and pick up. These orphan pictures were exhibited in a separate case in his studio.

The spring 2014 magazine is devoted to photography associated with cops and robbers. Click on the link and enjoy the read!

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