Lawsuit over Monkey Selfie settled

Selfie taken by a Macaque Monkey for photographer David Slater back in 2011

Toronto. Do you remember reading my post back in July about the Monkey Selfie? On Wednesday the internet was awash with notes that the famous Monkey Selfie ownership lawsuit had been settled out of court. I was alerted to this in Wednesday’s Globe.

My favourite paper reprinted the Sudhin Thanawala article from the Associated Press complete with a copy of one of the original photographs in the dispute.

The out of court settlement assigns 25% of future earning from the photos t0 a charity aiding the monkeys and the balance to the British photographer, David Slater. I have attached a copy of the article in case the link disappears.

Thanks to George Dunbar for clarifying the details – the lawsuit was abandoned, not settled. The out of court arrangement is between the photographer and PETA.

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