George Hunter Memorial

Hunter by Lansdale

Hunter by Lansdale

Mississauga, April 26, 2013. Carol and I attended the memorial for George Hunter last Saturday along with a large number of other friends and family. A slide show gave attendees a look back over George and his accomplishments. More about George is shown here in this wikipedia article.

The society was represented by past and present members including Bob Lansdale, who photographed the event, Rick Bell, Harry Joy, Tom Bochsler, Brock Silversides and myself. Eulogies were initiated by Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion, Brock Silversides of U of T, and well known photographer and author Tom Bochsler. The photo shown here is the last one taken by Bob Lansdale at George’s last annual barbecue held each year at his home in Mississauga.

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