focus eruptus

Mt Pelee in eruption, June, 1902. glass slide – courtesy of the Art Gallery of Ontario.

Toronto. Photography was used to record volcanic activity over a century ago, an activity that continues to this day. A more recent example being a colour video of  an eruption in Hawaii (shown on TV).

The record of an eruption was depicted recently in AGO’s Foyer magazine. In the magazine, AGO wanted to see how other artists depicted volcanos, so their staff was asked to search for examples and write about them.

This example from the AGO archives, by an unknown photographer, shows Mount Pelee in eruption over a century ago in June of 1902. The photograph is a glass slide from the  Montgomery collection of Caribbean photographs.

Have a read of this article as well as other articles and issues in Foyer magazine. And if you are here in Toronto, or visiting the city, be sure to drop by the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) in the downtown!

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