Toronto. Joy Cohnstaedt of Lambton House announced the other day that “LCol Phil Halton, CD of the Queens’s York Rangers” will speak at their Thursday, June 14th, meeting on “Dundas Street and the Queen’s Rangers”.
Lambton House is at 4066 Old Dundas St in York (now part of Toronto). You can take the TTC bus #55 From Jane Subway right to the door. Doors open at 7 pm and the talk starts 30 minutes later. There are refreshments and admission is free although a donation is always appreciated.
When I was in school, a history book used a C.W. Jefferys drawing to show Samuel de Champlain looking out over Georgian Bay. By his side was a rifle – actually an arquebus – with a seemingly square and very awkward rifle stock. My grand-parents had their 60th wedding anniversary party in Orillia – near a statue celebrating the famous French explorer.