bunch of Klapp

Ernemann Miniatur-Klapp 4,5×6 (1922) with Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar 1:3,5 75mm courtesy of Abdishev

Toronto. In English, we say a camera is a folder if it has a bellows that can be folded so the body and lens are more compact – like Kodak folders.

In German, the term is klapp, not folder. The popular line of Klapp cameras for collectors is most likely those made by Ernemann in Dresden.

In 1926, like many German camera factories, Ernemann merged into the nascent Zeiss Ikon group in Dresden as part of the government’s efforts to streamline German camera manufacture and stop the numerous near duplicate versions being made at the time.

The Ernemann cameras can be seen at Camerapedia and Camera-Wiki. The beautiful  illustration at left is courtesy of Abdishev. Flicker also has many photos of interest.

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