be still, my heart

Kong a top the “Empire State building” holds Fay Wray while fending off airplanes

Toronto. I don’t remember when I first saw the movie King Kong, but I was transfixed by the adventure. Years later I was astonished to learn that some scenes of the huge ape were shot with a six inch model of Kong. The stills portray a fighting monster climbing the Empire State building in NYC with poor Fay Wray in one hand while he tries to battle the pesky bi-planes buzzing around his head.

In the article about King Kong from the March 1933 issue of International Photographer, you can see just how remarkable the movie was back in 1933. An amazing story about the making of an amazing movie!  Talkies, the Empire State building, and airplanes were all relatively new at the time.

A tip of the hat to our roving photographic historian, George Dunbar, for not only unearthing this tale but for sharing it with us. Thank you, my good friend!

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