analogue not film now

PhotoEd notice to ‘Go Analog(ue)’ A.K.A. Film this summer

Toronto. In the days before digital we used film and processed and printed  it in a darkroom. Today we use digital and a computer or smartphone to ‘process’ the images in daylight printing the results (usually) on an inkjet colour printer.

A few brave souls still use film for the charm of film and chemical based prints made in a darkroom. During the transition to digital, professionals took photographs on film, processed the film, and scanned the best shots to computer to be ‘developed’ with software like Photoshop and printed on an inkjet printer, sometimes a massive machine using specialized paper.

Analogue is simply a continuously variable process, usually electronic in nature. Since modern cameras are digital, the film process became known as analogue or analog (analog is usually the spelling down south). In the current MailChimp notice, my favourite editor, Rita Godlevskis, of PhotoEd fame says, “Summer is the perfect time to go analog. These lovely daylight hours won’t last long – step away from a screen and into the sunshine!“.

While Rita’s notice suggests Downtown Camera for all film needs (I used Downtown Camera even  before the shop left the Bloor and Yonge area), don’t forget our next event – the Fall Auction on SEPTEMBER 17, (Sunday) 2023 at the usual location – Legion Hall #101, 3850 Lake Shore Bl West, Toronto, ON, M8W 1R3. As the date approaches I will be posting many lot images here. The actual auction times will likely be later than the last fall auction and will appear on the coming poster.

NB. The title of this post was inspired by a 1953 song sung by They Might be Giants, “Instanbul (not Constantinopol)”.

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